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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Partitioned country of origin effect on consumers behavior: a meta-analytic review of the empirical evidence

Published: May 27, 2020


Stephen Oduro, University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT; Alessandro De Nisco, University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT


country of origin; meta-analysis; review


This study proposes a quantitative assessment of results of research on partitioned country of origin using a meta-analysis. The authors reviewed a total of 61 empirical papers published in the last 30 years, involving 25,483 respondents and 1,243 effect sizes with the aim to assess: a) the overall effect of selected COO sub-components (country of assembly, country of brand, country of design, country of manufacture, and country of parts) on product evaluation, brand evaluation and purchase intentions; and b) the effect of selected methodological characteristics of the studies (e.g. number of cues, sampling procedure, product type, study design, etc.) on the variance of results. The study contributes to the advancement of COO research research by facilitating an empirical and quantitative assessment of the theoretical and methodological shortcomings that affects the relevance and generalizability of this field of study and it proposes avenues for further research.